Marketingunterlagen aufgebreitet mit Frauenhand
Your Partner in Business Initiatives

Facts & Figures of the Business Agency of Lower Austria

For more than 60 years, in our role as the Business Agency of Lower Austria, we have been a reliable partner of people in business as well as investors and initiators of regional and international projects. We act as an essential interface between business, politics, and science. Become a part of this experience!

Together to success

Helmut Miernicki
"From my own experience I can say: when you show your employees genuine respect and appreciation, you are rewarded many times over in the form of loyalty, dedication, commitment and motivation. It’s about creating a constructive work environment in which everyone has the opportunity for development. We take our employees’ ideas for innovation and their suggestions for development seriously. We’re one big team where collaboration and respect are lived out every day."
Helmut Miernicki, ecoplus Chief Executive
Portraitfoto Johanna Mikl-Leitner
""As an innovative and attractive business location, Lower Austria is one of the top regions in Europe. However, the demands on the economy are constantly changing. In this context in particular, it pays to have the right framework conditions. At our business agency ecoplus, entrepreneurs - regardless of sector or company size - will find the right contacts and optimal support when it comes to being fit for the future and fully developing their own potential. This is how we strengthen Lower Austria together."
Johanna Mikl-Leitner, Governor of Lower Austria

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Our Company History

Follow the milestones of the ecoplus success story from 1962 till today.

Company History (accessible) (.pdf) or further details on (German version)

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