Facts & Figures of the Business Agency of Lower Austria
For more than 60 years, in our role as the Business Agency of Lower Austria, we have been a reliable partner of people in business as well as investors and initiators of regional and international projects. We act as an essential interface between business, politics, and science. Become a part of this experience!
Together to success
An excellent team and optimal framework conditions are the key factors to the success of any business. We take care of your requests.
ecoplus in Numbers
Our Company History
Follow the milestones of the ecoplus success story from 1962 till today.
Company History (accessible) (.pdf) or further details on www.ecoplus.at/firmengeschichte (German version)
Important links
- accent - Gründerservice GmbH
- Access Industrial Park
- Convention Bureau Lower Austria
- Ennshafen
- House of Digitalization
- IN - Industrie Niederösterreich
- Industriellenvereinigung, Landesgruppe Niederösterreich
- Living & working in Lower Austria - a guide for expats
- net for future
- NÖ Landesregierung (Lower Austrian Provincial Government)
- Niederösterreich Werbung (Lower Austrian Tourist Office)
- NÖBEG (Lower Austrian Institutions for Financing and Loan Guaranties)
- NÖ Glasfaserinfrastrukturges. m.b.H
- NÖ.Regional.GmbH
- Raumordnung in Niederösterreich
- riz up Niederösterreichs Gründeragentur Ges.m.b.H. (The Start-up Agency of Lower Austria)
- standortkompass.at – platform for business settlements in Lower Austria
- tecnet equity
- Tourismusförderung (WST3)
- Wirtschaftskammer NÖ (Economic Chamber Lower Austria)
- AMS - Arbeitsmarktservice Niederösterreich (Public Employment Service)
- ABA - Invest in Austria
- AWS - Austria Wirtschaftsservice
- BABEG Carinthian Agency for Investment Promotion and Public Shareholding
- Business Upper Austria
- Innovation Salzburg GmbH
- Leitbetriebe Austria (Leading Companies Austria)
- Österr. Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft FFG (Austrian Research Promotion Agency)
- Österreichisches Institut für Raumplanung (ÖIR) (Austrian Institute for Regional Studies and Spatial Planning)
- Standortagentur Tirol GmbH
- Steiermärkische Tourismus und Standortmarketing GmbH (Styria)
- Vienna Region Marketing GmbH
- Wirtschaftsagentur Burgenland GmbH
- Wirtschaftsagentur Wien (Vienna Business Agency)
- Wirtschafts-Standort Vorarlberg GmbH (WISTO)