Looking into
the future

Your Business
Agency of
Lower Austria
Bärtiger Mann mit verschränkten Händen steht vor Hochhäusern
Bärtiger Mann mit verschränkten Händen steht vor Hochhäusern

Trusting in competence

As The Business Agency of Lower Austria, we at ecoplus have been providing imputs for Lower Austria as a business location for more than 60 years.

We actively support businesses, municipalities, associations and project sponsors. We advise, connect and support. Our expertise enables us to provide tailor-made services for your project. We are constantly evolving. With our specialized team, we strengthen Lower Austria as a business location. Our private sector structure guarantees the necessary speed and flexibility. Thanks to our experience and our network, we ensure optimized services - tailored to your requirements.

ecoplus Services

Our team supports companies in the implementation of their projects - domestic as well as international businesses:

  • Individual location search, funding advice
  • Turntable for operational investment projects
  • Advice and support for companies expanding to Lower Austria
  • "Standortkompass" for business locations & funding opportunities

Municipalities benefit from comprehensive support and information from ecoplus concerning:

  • Submission and funding of regional funding projects
  • Development and management of intermunicipal operating areas
  • Climate-friendly site development & business area renewal
  • Construction, operation and professionalization of mountain railways as well as infrastructure and suprastructure facilities at selected locations

ecoplus offers initiatives and associations opportunities to make their ideas and concepts a success:

  • Submission and funding of regional development projects
  • Regional infrastructure projects
  • Tourism flagship projects 

At our Technopol locations Krems, Tulln, Wiener Neustadt and Wieselburg we connect research, business and education:

  • Technopols & Technology and research centers
  • Clusters und Platforms on topic-specific areas of strength
  • House of Digitalization in Tulln as a contact point for digitization in Lower Austria
Kleiner Bub mit Brille auf einer Leiter in einem Kirschbaum


Frau verschränkte Arme vor Holzpanel
westend61 Gustafsson

Our perspective for you

  • WE SUPPORT you with all questions that arise in the course of your business life.
  • WE ACCOMPANY you on the way to a solution with competence and commitment.
  • WE OFFER a comprehensive service from a single source.
  • WE ARE CONTINUOUSLY DEVELOPING to ensure that business people have the best possible framework conditions in Lower Austria.

Treading common paths

Our employees are the heart of our work at ecoplus and have been helping to develop Lower Austria into a diverse, technologically unique and ecologically sustainable location since our founding.
They are experts in their fields and therefore guarantee forward-looking and high-quality support for all matters.
We are always on the lookout for new talent in all areas - whether at the start of their career or with a wealth of professional experience.

CAREER AT ecoplus

Frau und Mann schlagen erfreut ein
shutterstock/Julia Amaral

Get to know us!

In our short image video, we show you the diversity of our field of activity.

If you are interested in more ecoplus videos, please visit our ecoplus Youtube-Channel.

ecoplus. The Business Agency of Lower Austria

Niederösterrreich-Ring 2

3100 St. Pölten, Austria, Austria

show route
M: headoffice@ecoplus.at

Coordinates: 48.1984, 15.6328

Do you have any questions?

We have the answer!

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