Lower Austrian Network for the Food Industry Value Chain

Food Cluster of Lower Austria

Lower Austrian companies involved in agriculture, animal feed production, food processing, food retail, community catering and gastronomy supply valuable raw materials and high-quality food and beverages. The Food Cluster of Lower Austria connects the players in the food system and bundles the innovation potential in cooperation projects with scientific and qualification partners.
The responsible parties are the Economic and Agriculture Departments of the Lower Austrian provincial government. ecoplus is responsible for the operational implementation.

The Lower Austrian Clusters are co-financed by ...

efre logoblock

Lebesmittel Cluster

The Food Cluster of Lower Austria

... follows the vision of helping the domestic food sector achieve top performance in regional and sustainable food production.

To attain this goal, it:

  • Follows the principle of “innovation through cooperation” in order to bundle capacities for the renewal of the knowledge base
  • Develops the artisan tradition of the companies on the basis of the latest scientific findings
  • Supports the companies in setting up cooperation projects
  • Helps companies navigate through the funding landscape
Our contact
Magdalena Resch Deputy Head of Clusters & Plattforms Lower Austria, Cluster Manager Food Cluster Lower Austria
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Katharina Wörndl Project Manager Food Cluster Lower Austria
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Martina Zederbauer Project Manager Food Cluster Lower Austria
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Sigrid Meischl Project Manager Food Cluster Lower Austria
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Karin Baek Assistant Clusters & Platforms
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Focus topics of the Food Cluster are ...

Nachhaltige Ressourcennutzung

Sustainable Use of Resources

There is a consensus today that human activities are having a massive impact on the climate system and biodiversity with unforeseeable consequences for our own livelihoods. Doing business sustainably means securing these foundations for future generations as well. Food processing and upstream primary agricultural production are closely linked to these far-reaching connections. The vision is that the required resources such as raw materials, soil, water, atmosphere and energy are used carefully and sparingly along the entire food value chain.

Prüfung der Lebensmittelqualität im Forschungslabor

Food Quality and Safety

The Food Cluster of Lower Austria follows the vision of meeting the high demands that legislators, retailers and consumers place on food. To do this, two dimensions must be taken into account: safety and quality. Food safety means ensuring that the consumer’s food does not pose any health risk, be it chemical or microbiological. Food quality has many aspects: The flavor and enjoyment expectations of customers should be met and exceeded, and products should have a longer shelf life and not lose their visual and haptic appeal. Comfort and convenience are also becoming increasingly important.

In cooperation with...

Our Headquarter

ecoplus. The Business Agency of Lower Austria
Niederösterreich-Ring 2, Haus A
3100 St. Pölten