3D Gebäudemodell
Structural change through digitalisation in the construction sector

Digitalization in construction engineering

With its activities in this topic the Green Building Cluster of Lower Austria will empower companies to take advantage of the opportunities of the proceeding digitalization. Companies have to deal with this issue in the medium term. The faster the implementation happens, the more competitive the company remains. The aim is to preserve the medium-sized company landscape and to counteract the current monopolization tendencies.

Current activities in the cluster

Initiative BIM@SME
Implementation of BIM methods and tools at planners and executing trades
Development of BIM-compatible products for manufacturers of construction materials and components


efre logoblock

Your first steps with BIM © ecoplus


Cooperative project BIM@hochBAU (BIM@engineering)

Initiative Virtual and Augmented Reality in construction engineering

Initiative DiTecBau - digital technologies and business processes as well as new business models in the construction industry

Initiative Lean Construction
Implementation of LEAN principles in executing trades: Increase process quality and productivity by improving flow efficiency.

Cooperation offer LEAN Management/continuous improvement process

The whole range of cluster activities on this topic you can find here (in german).

For more information contact the cluster team!