Connect Day 2021 Side-Event: Do you care for future? All panelists

Connect Day 2021: ecoplus Side Event – Do you care for future? We too!

Connect Day 2021 Side-Event: Do you care for future? All panelists

In the Europe Sustainable Development Report 2020, which ranks over 30 European countries in terms of sustainability criteria, Austria ranks places fourth overall - behind Finland, Sweden and Denmark. This is mainly due to factors such as: high quality of life, quality education, excellent water quality, clean energy, innovative industry and sustainable cities and communities.

That ranking shows that Austria – and Lower Austria, as its largest federal state – is at the forefront of achieving sustainable development goals across Europe. This is not only due to the high priority given to sustainability in the country, but also to the innovative entrepreneurs. 

Hence ecoplus, the Business Agency of Lower Austria and riz up, the start-up Agency of Lower Austria organized the virtual side event "Do you care for future? We too!" within the framework of the Connect Day 21’ and invited start-ups and corporates form the sustainability sector to discuss innovations, trends and future topics.

Lower Austria - the fruitful environment for companies with a sustainable agenda.

Q&A session with the following start ups and corporates

In case of any futher questions, please don`t hesitate to contact

Slavisa Milanovic,
Tel: +43-2742-9000-19721
Business Location Consultant Lower Austria - International Investor Search

Watch the full online event (45:37 min) – 3rd May 2021: